Theodore Chaikalis
Software engineer, researcher, father. He successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Graph-Based Software Evolution Analysis of Object-Oriented Systems” on July 2016. Before that he received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He has been teaching programming, design, analysis, maintenance and software lifecycle management for more than 14 years. Since 2015 he is an active Software Engineer in the private sector. He is currently working as a Solutions Architect with Accenture, the largest IT consulting firm in the world. Also, he is an active software researcher as a member of the Software Engineering Group. He has published numerous research articles in peer-reviewed journals and highly ranked international conferences. His research interests include object-oriented design, object-oriented quality metrics, graph theory and software evolution analysis and simulation.
Short Research-Focused Paragraph
Dr. Theodore Chaikalis (Male) is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Applied Informatics in University of Macedonia (Greece) and a researcher in the Software Engineering Group where he carries out research in the area of software engineering. He holds a BSc on Applied Informatics Systems (2007), a MSc on Computer Systems (2009) and a PhD in Software Engineering by the University of Macedonia (2016). He has published articles in international journals and conferences, and has been involved in 3 R&D ICT projects, with funding from national and international organizations. His current research interests are focused on software evolution analysis, software maintainability, software quality metrics, refactorings and enterprise software design.